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-biannual online publication –
Guest Editor: Dr. George Vera
The Purpose of the Humanistic Approach Journal is to disseminate the various modes of approaches based on the Humanistic Movement, such as the Person-Centered Approach, the Holistic Model, Focusing, Gestalt, Psychodrama, Expressive Arts, among others, and their fields of application such as Counseling, Education, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, taking into account their philosophical and psychological foundations.
For this purpose, we have formed an editorial advisory committee with prestigious professionals from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela.
Our goal is to share experiences and knowledge by which humanism can be disseminated, extended and growth, in order to facilitate spaces for reflection towards a more harmonious and generous society for human development.
Until this year, thirty-six journal issues have been published in Spanish, with a few exceptions – articles in English and Portuguese has been published as well- and considering that our ideas must be divulged to other countries and knowing that the English language can facilitate it, we have asked Dr. George Vera to be our Guest Editor for this English Edition.
Our main idea is that articles from other languages will be included in future issues; this first English Edition is the beginning of our Journal Multilinguistic Project.
We thank Dr. Vera and his team for his commitment to the Humanistic Focus Journal First English Edition.
It is up to the reader to consider sending us their comments, and if you wish, submit your manuscripts. The Editorial Team will be evaluated those for publication purposes.  
Lucrecia Sánchez Berneman, B.A.
Editorial Direction

Andres Sanchez Bodas, B.A
Honorary Direction
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